BIG news from Proclamation Ale Company!!!!

proc_logo_newThis just in from Dave Witham:

Big boy pants

Hey Everyone!

As we start to close in on the end of Proclamation’s 3rd year, (wait…already!!?), I find myself looking up and around, wondering how the F*** we got here. From a dumb kid opening a nano, having no idea what I was doing (let’s be honest, I still don’t know jack), to packing every possible piece of equipment we could fit into our dirty little warehouse, plus having six of the most follically-gifted super-rad-awesome employees (and one awesome coachdad), we’ve grown quite a bit, to say the least. And we REALLY want to make more delicious libations for you all, but we can’t really push any more beer out of our West Kingston blue-stripey-pallet fortress… SO!

It’s time to put on the big boy pants.

We found an awesome 15,000 square-foot spot in Warwick, RI. We are planning to move there in late spring/early summer 2017. We plan on opening the new facility with a 30-barrel brewhouse, 60-barrel fermenters, and enough cellar capacity to start producing about 6,000 barrels per year at the get-go. As we continue to grow at the new facility, we will have even more room available for further growth down the line and should be able to get up to a theoretical 25,000 barrels per year (if we desire to take it that far).


Yup. Along with the largely increased capacity, the new brewery will allow us to have a MUCH larger tasting room, a dedicated sour beer cellar, increased parking, easier access…. The list goes on and on. And while it is awesome to move to a new, bigger, shinier place, we will definitely miss our turf-laden roots of West Kingston and all the people that supported us in our little rural ghetto brewery.

That’s all I have for now. We’re all super-excited and we will give more details once we hammer out some more of the contractual and business matters, but for now, know that we are hoping to move and be operational as early as possible in the middle of 2017.

Thanks everyone so much for the support over the last few years.

Can’t wait to do this thing.

Dave Witham


Proclamation Ale Company

P.S.: It’s gonna be OK Pheel.

[B&C P.S.: Our theory is that the real reason behind the move is that Dave, being a true Vo Dilunduh, wanted to eliminate his commute from Warwick to West Kingston…]

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